
On this website you will find reports on actions taken by the
AK Flight & Asylum were carried out/supported.

A drop of hope -

so that Nigeria's children have a future

Gabriele Ayivi reported on her project Olileanya on July 18, 2024 in the City Church Reutlingen.

Exciting facts, the current political situation and photos about the creation and development of their project captivated the audience.

After the lecture, visitors were able to browse and purchase products made in Nigeria.

A book table at the Reutlingen City Library invited people to look at books related to Nigeria and Africa.

If you would like to know more about the Olileanya project,

then click here

Hope eV

International barbecue evening on 18.07.2024:

In keeping with the summer season, we have quickly transformed the 3rd meeting café in Oferdingen into a cosy barbecue evening.

The Vielfalt Oferdingen network provided barbecue food and drinks and the guests contributed to the side dish buffet.

In total, around eight people came from the accommodation, as well as other people from Cameroon and the Ukraine who have been living in Oferdingen or in other parts of the town for a long time.

Our meeting café will be taking a break in August. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

The KonfiCamp 2024 took place under the motto “Let’s love!”

Between July 5 and July 7, more than 350 people were at the Dobelmühle in Aulendorf.

Anna Sonnemann (asylum deacon from the Diakonieverband Reutlingen) was part of the program team and took part in a workshop that lasted the entire weekend. The topic of the workshop was, among other things, asylum.

As a representative of the AK Flucht & Asyl and the Diakonieverband Reutlingen, Anna Sonnemann was asked to speak. On Saturday morning, 50 confirmation candidates attended her workshop on the topic of asylum.

2nd meeting café on June 20, 2024:

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, the Vielfalt Oferdingen network organized the 2nd meeting café in the town.

The meeting was a little less well attended than the first, but with just as much fun and new faces.

In addition to several people from the accommodation in Oferdingen, an Afghan family from Sickenhausen was also there.

20 June 2024: World Refugee Day
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What would you do if 600 people were threatening to drown in front of you?

With this sentence written on the ground, the Working Group on Flight & Asylum, the Alliance for Human Rights, the Diakonie Association Reutlingen and the Seebrücke Reutlingen made a statement on World Refugee Day

attracted attention. Various information stands on the topics of escape and asylum were set up in front of the Reutlingen City Church. This year, the focus was particularly on sea rescue.

In addition to information materials, pedestrians could light candles in memory of the deceased,

Lay down roses as a symbol or have a conversation with the above mentioned people. The young people were also given sidewalk chalk to draw with or paper to fold boats with.

15 May 2024: 75 years of the Basic Law

This was also to be celebrated in Reutlingen, on May 15th at 6 p.m. in the Bürgerpark near the Reutlingen town hall. An alliance of citizens and Reutlingen organizations and groups such as the League of Free Welfare Organizations, Theater Reutlingen Die Tonne, the Youth Council and the Integration Council are holding a demonstration for the values of the Basic Law. In addition to interviews, lectures and musical pieces, information stands were also set up in the Bürgerpark, for example by the AK Flucht & Asyl. Despite rain and thunderstorms, the Basic Law was properly celebrated.

1. Meeting Café on May 8, 2024:

To kick things off, the Vielfalt Oferdingen network started with a first meeting café on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

The meeting was well attended and helped us to bring people in our community together and to welcome the residents of the refugee shelter.

Over coffee and cake, everyone introduced themselves in a relaxed atmosphere and left a flag on the world map in their country of origin.

May 4, 2024: Donation Parliament

You can read the whole article by Norbert Leister here read more.

March 8, 2024: International Women’s Day

On the occasion of International Women's Day on Friday, March 8, 2024, speakers took a stand against populist, anti-democratic, anti-feminist and anti-European tendencies at a rally on Reutlingen's market square. Among them was the Reutlingen asylum deacon Anna Sonnemann. She reported on refugee women and their problems. You can read/listen to the text of the speech here:

Speech text
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