The Conference of Minister Presidents and the Federal Government have agreed on the nationwide introduction of a payment card for recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. The Federal Cabinet then decided on March 1, 2024 to amend the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, which provides for the option of a payment card (Federal Government 2024). The parliamentary groups of Alliance 90/The Greens (2024), FDP (2024) and SPD have now agreed to support this project. The project is currently still in the legislative process...........
Source: dezim-institut Stuttgart
What is the Alliance for Human Rights?
The Alliance for Human Rights is committed to the free democratic basic order of the Federal Republic of Germany and its essential elements:
human dignity, the principle of democracy with the separation of powers, the rule of law principle with the guarantee of fundamental and human rights and the welfare state principle with the social obligation of property. These values unite us as a broad alliance of democrats. We are proud to be a member of this organization.
Curious? Then visit the Alliance for Human Rights on the website...
"Hiroshima and Nagasaki warn: For a world without nuclear weapons of mass destruction!" by Lebenshaus Swabian Alb eV
Request for support: CALL in newspaper advertisements on August 3rd “Hiroshima and Nagasaki warn: For a world without nuclear weapons of mass destruction!”
Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be commemorated for the 79th time in August 2024. These anniversaries remind us that such tragedies must not be repeated.
As Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb - Community for Justice, Peace and Ecology eV, we want to publish an appeal on August 3rd, "Hiroshima and Nagasaki warn: For a world without nuclear weapons of mass destruction!" in the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger and possibly in other newspapers (see text below), with the support of hopefully many people and organizations from near and far. The names of the people and organizations supporting the appeal will be listed under the appeal. We are delighted with the more than 80 signatures so far and invite you to continue to support us.
Please donate at least 10 euros for the ad as an individual, 25 euros as an organization.
Bank details: Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb eV GLS Bank IBAN DE36 4306 0967 8023 3348 00 Purpose: Hiroshima-Nagasaki 2024
We require informal feedback for this advertising campaign by Saturday, July 27, 2024 at the latest (please send your name and address by email to: or by post to: Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb eV, Bubenhofenstr. 3, 72501 Gammertingen)
We are pleased about your participation in the advertising campaign. We would also be pleased if other people were made aware of these campaigns. We also ask you to note the additional information below.
Thank you for your participation and support!, Kind regards, Michael Schmid
Hiroshima and Nagasaki warn: For a world without nuclear weapons of mass destruction!
On August 6 and 9, 1945, the USA destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with two atomic bombs. To date, millions of people have died as a result of these bombings and the more than 2,000 atomic tests, or suffer from often serious chronic illnesses.
Since the beginning of the nuclear age in 1945, the risk of nuclear war has never been as high as it is today. There are currently 12,121 nuclear weapons threatening us worldwide, of which around 2,100 are on high alert and the number is rising. The nine nuclear weapon states are continuing to arm themselves. The escalation in the Ukraine war poses the constant risk that it could end in nuclear war.
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction. Each one can kill millions of people, expose them to radiation and cause hereditary diseases for many generations to come. A nuclear war would mean the end of our civilization and a catastrophe for the planet's ecosystems.
Let us stop the madness that comes from these devastating weapons. Let us end the supposed "logic" of nuclear deterrence. There is no security with nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
The greatest security for the people of Europe has been achieved in recent decades through détente and arms control! Humanity needs dialogue and disarmament more than ever!
The United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which came into force in January 2021, can contribute to this. 70 states have now joined the treaty. Germany is still missing from this historic agreement.
On the way to a world free of nuclear weapons, let us work for the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from Germany and the signing of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the German government!
Let us oppose those politicians who are calling for the European Union to have its own nuclear weapons and let us campaign for a pan-European nuclear-free zone that includes Russia!
Let us call for serious disarmament talks, especially between the USA, Russia and the People’s Republic of China!
We condemn every nuclear threat and call for actions during the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Remembrance Days between August 6 and 9 to commemorate the victims of nuclear weapons in as many places as possible. Let us focus on cooperative security through a policy of peace logic in order to help overcome nuclear deterrence.
This is an action by Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb – Community for Social Justice, Peace and Ecology eV Supported by:
More about this advertising campaign, the text for the ad, and a lot of other information can be found at:;
AK Flight&Asylum Reutlingen
Planie 17, 72764 Reutlingen